Friday, September 28, 2007

OK, here it is the page I promised. So I still didn't journal it yet, but the nitty gritty is last year I had two retreats in a row. This year we are just doing the one at the 2cnd page location. The Library in Northfield, VT. It has great chairs, lighting, tables and a full kitchen that we can use. The first page was at the comfort in and we out grew that spot. We did however rent the VIP room and enjoyed the hot tub. Pretty funny shot of me in my lilac celtics hat. The dates that we were there were November 10th and 11th 2006 and November 17th and 18th. We sure did have a great time, but I would never recommend doing events back to back like that. Thank you everyone who gave me permission to post your picture, Looking forward to this year its almost a month away now!
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